Dashboard Modules

Build-In Dashboard Modules


class jet.dashboard.modules.AppList(title=None, model=None, context=None, **kwargs)

Shows applications and containing models links. For each model “created” and “change” links are displayed.

Usage example:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jet.dashboard import modules
from jet.dashboard.dashboard import Dashboard, AppIndexDashboard

class CustomIndexDashboard(Dashboard):
    columns = 3

    def init_with_context(self, context):
exclude = None

Specify models which should NOT be displayed. exclude is an array of string formatted as app_label.model. Also its possible to specify all application models with * sign (e.g. auth.*).


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.

models = None

Specify models which should be displayed. models is an array of string formatted as app_label.model. Also its possible to specify all application models with * sign (e.g. auth.*).


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


class jet.dashboard.modules.ModelList(title=None, model=None, context=None, **kwargs)

Shows models links. For each model “created” and “change” links are displayed.

Usage example:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jet.dashboard import modules
from jet.dashboard.dashboard import Dashboard, AppIndexDashboard

class CustomIndexDashboard(Dashboard):
    columns = 3

    def init_with_context(self, context):
exclude = None

Specify models which should NOT be displayed. exclude is an array of string formatted as app_label.model. Also its possible to specify all application models with * sign (e.g. auth.*).


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.

models = None

Specify models which should be displayed. models is an array of string formatted as app_label.model. Also its possible to specify all application models with * sign (e.g. auth.*).


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


class jet.dashboard.modules.RecentActions(title=None, limit=10, **kwargs)

Display list of most recent admin actions with following information: entity name, type of action, author, date

Usage example:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jet.dashboard import modules
from jet.dashboard.dashboard import Dashboard, AppIndexDashboard

class CustomIndexDashboard(Dashboard):
    columns = 3

    def init_with_context(self, context):
            _('Recent Actions'),
exclude_list = None

Specify actions of which models should NOT be displayed. exclude_list is an array of string formatted as app_label.model. Also its possible to specify all application models with * sign (e.g. auth.*).

include_list = None

Specify actions of which models should be displayed. include_list is an array of string formatted as app_label.model. Also its possible to specify all application models with * sign (e.g. auth.*).


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.

limit = 10

Number if entries to be shown (may be changed by each user personally).


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


alias of RecentActionsSettingsForm


class jet.dashboard.modules.Feed(title=None, feed_url=None, limit=None, **kwargs)

Display RSS Feed entries with following information: entry title, date and link to the full version

Usage example:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jet.dashboard import modules
from jet.dashboard.dashboard import Dashboard, AppIndexDashboard

class CustomIndexDashboard(Dashboard):
    columns = 3

    def init_with_context(self, context):
            _('Latest Django News'),
feed_url = None

URL of the RSS feed (may be changed by each user personally).


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.

limit = None

Number if entries to be shown (may be changed by each user personally).


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


alias of FeedSettingsForm

Google Analytics Widgets


Google Analytics widgets required extra setup


Extra Installation

  • Install python package:
pip install google-api-python-client==1.4.1
  • Specify path to your Google Analytics client_secrets.json (obtained at Google website):
  • Add import to the top of your urls.py:
from jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules import google_analytics_views

Usage Example

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jet.dashboard.dashboard import Dashboard, AppIndexDashboard
from jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules import google_analytics

class CustomIndexDashboard(Dashboard):
    columns = 3

    def init_with_context(self, context):
class jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules.google_analytics.GoogleAnalyticsVisitorsTotals(title=None, period=None, **kwargs)

Google Analytics widget that shows total number of users, sessions and viewers for a particular period of time. Period may be following: Today, Last week, Last month, Last quarter, Last year


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.

period = None

Which period should be displayed. Allowed values - integer of days

class jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules.google_analytics.GoogleAnalyticsVisitorsChart(title=None, period=None, show=None, group=None, **kwargs)

Google Analytics widget that shows users/sessions/viewer chart for a particular period of time. Data is grouped by day, week or month Period may be following: Today, Last week, Last month, Last quarter, Last year

group = None

Sets grouping of data. Possible values: day, week, month


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.

period = None

Which period should be displayed. Allowed values - integer of days


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


alias of GoogleAnalyticsChartSettingsForm

show = None

What data should be shown. Possible values: ga:users, ga:sessions, ga:pageviews

class jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules.google_analytics.GoogleAnalyticsPeriodVisitors(title=None, period=None, group=None, **kwargs)

Google Analytics widget that shows users, sessions and viewers for a particular period of time. Data is grouped by day, week or month Period may be following: Today, Last week, Last month, Last quarter, Last year

group = None

Sets grouping of data. Possible values: day, week, month


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.

period = None

Which period should be displayed. Allowed values - integer of days


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


alias of GoogleAnalyticsPeriodVisitorsSettingsForm

Yandex Metrika Widgets


Yandex Metrika widgets required extra setup


Extra Installation

  • Set your Yandex Metrika CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET (obtained at Yandex Metrika API website):
  • Add import to the top of your urls.py:
from jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules import yandex_metrika_views

Usage Example

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jet.dashboard.dashboard import Dashboard, AppIndexDashboard
from jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules import yandex_metrika

class CustomIndexDashboard(Dashboard):
    columns = 3

    def init_with_context(self, context):
class jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules.yandex_metrika.YandexMetrikaVisitorsTotals(title=None, period=None, **kwargs)

Yandex Metrika widget that shows total number of visitors, visits and viewers for a particular period of time. Period may be following: Today, Last week, Last month, Last quarter, Last year


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.

period = None

Which period should be displayed. Allowed values - integer of days

class jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules.yandex_metrika.YandexMetrikaVisitorsChart(title=None, period=None, show=None, group=None, **kwargs)

Yandex Metrika widget that shows visitors/visits/viewer chart for a particular period of time. Data is grouped by day, week or month Period may be following: Today, Last week, Last month, Last quarter, Last year

group = None

Sets grouping of data. Possible values: day, week, month


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.

period = None

Which period should be displayed. Allowed values - integer of days


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


alias of YandexMetrikaChartSettingsForm

show = None

What data should be shown. Possible values: visitors, visits, page_views

class jet.dashboard.dashboard_modules.yandex_metrika.YandexMetrikaPeriodVisitors(title=None, period=None, group=None, **kwargs)

Yandex Metrika widget that shows visitors, visits and viewers for a particular period of time. Data is grouped by day, week or month Period may be following: Today, Last week, Last month, Last quarter, Last year

group = None

Sets grouping of data. Possible values: day, week, month


Allows you to load data and initialize module’s state.


Should be implemented to restore saved in database settings. Required if you have custom settings.

period = None

Which period should be displayed. Allowed values - integer of days


Should be implemented to save settings to database. This method should return dict which will be serialized using json. Required if you have custom settings.


alias of YandexMetrikaPeriodVisitorsSettingsForm